Saving 80,000 Gold Coins in the Different World for My Old Age
Économiser 80,000 pièces d'or dans un autre monde pour ma retraite, Rougo ni sonaete i sekai de 8 man-mai no kinka o tamemasu, Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu, Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement, Сохранение 80 000 золотых монет в другом мире для моей старости, 为了养老金,去异界存八万金!, 為了養老金,去異界存八萬金!, 老後に備えて異世界で8万枚の金貨を貯めます
An 18-year-old girl who lost her family in an accident, Yamano Mitsuwa falls off a cliff one day and transferred to a different world with a civilization level of medieval Europe. Mitsuwa who discovered it was possible to go and return to Earth after a deadly fight with wolves decided to live in both worlds.
Chapter 11317 days ago255
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