Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san
Nihon he Youkoso Elf-san, Welcome to Japan, Elf-san, Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf!, Добро пожаловать в Японию, Эльф-сан!, 日本へようこそエルフさん, 精灵来日
Kitase Kazuhiro is an ordinary salaryman who always leaves the office on time. Though this is Japan, so perhaps he’s not really ordinary after all. What’s truly strange comes after that; Every night, he takes a shower, changes into his pyjamas and has a good night’s sleep. Then he dreams of a fantasy world, and only wakes up when he dies or sleeps in that world. One day, he’s killed after stumbling onto a dragon’s lair. “A nightmare”, he sulks, until he finds his elf friend in his bed.
Chapter 6123 days ago242
Chapter 6012-12-2024464
Chapter 5920-10-2024413
Chapter 5807-09-2024392
Chapter 5707-09-2024364
Chapter 5631-05-2024541
Chapter 5530-04-2024630
Chapter 5419-03-2024574
Chapter 5330-01-2024588
Chapter 5218-12-2023436
Chapter 5104-11-2023387
Chapter 5004-10-2023383
Chapter 4930-08-2023323
Chapter 4827-07-2023293
Chapter 4715-06-2023303
Chapter 4627-04-2023262
Chapter 4520-02-2023266
Chapter 4430-12-2022252
Chapter 4330-12-2022235
Chapter 4224-10-2022265