Kubi o Kiraneba Wakarumai
If You Do Not Behead, You Cannot Understand, If You Do Not Behead, You Shall Not Understand, Kubi wo Kiraneba Wakarumai, 未被斩首、不知其性, 首を斬らねばわかるまい
The fourth year of the Meiji Era. Yukinosuke, the son of a family of the privileged aristocratic class, goes about his life covering up a worry he has, being “I have not once had an erection”. In the midst of such troubled days, he meets Sayo, the head of a family of executioners spanning back into the Edo period. After witnessing a beheading performed by her, something pitch black starts to well up inside Yukinosuke!! Sprouting from lust begins a noble romance of blood and nature!!
Chapter 4713-12-2022589
Chapter 4613-12-2022408
Chapter 4513-12-2022391
Chapter 4413-12-2022262
Chapter 4313-12-2022231
Chapter 4213-12-2022223
Chapter 4113-12-2022255
Chapter 4013-12-2022233
Chapter 3913-12-2022213
Chapter 3813-12-2022207
Chapter 3713-12-2022215
Chapter 3613-12-2022214
Chapter 3513-12-2022209
Chapter 3413-12-2022216
Chapter 3313-12-2022208
Chapter 3213-12-2022208
Chapter 3113-12-2022218
Chapter 3013-12-2022210
Chapter 2913-12-2022212
Chapter 2813-12-2022223