Himekishi ga Classmate!
A Classmate is a Princess Knight!, Hime Kishi ga Classmate!, Himekishi ga Classmate! The Comic, The Princess Knight is a Classmate!, Моя одноклассница — принцесса-рыцарь!, 공주 기사가 급우!, 姫騎士がクラスメート! THE COMIC, 我的同学是姬骑士
After he and his entire class died on a field trip, Odamori accepts a job offer from a mysterious man to be reincarnated. However his new job turns out to be that of a ‘Slavemancer’, with the power to dominate the minds of others and turn them into his toys. Soon, however his evil actions lead to a Princess Knight (who turns out to be one of his previous, more popular classmates) being dispatched to apprehend him. But Odamori of course has something different planned for their reunion. Manga Adaptation of the Light Novel by the same name.
Chapter 7215 days ago181
Chapter 7111-02-2025279
Chapter 7010-12-2024423
Chapter 6911-11-2024397
Chapter 6808-09-2024438
Chapter 6708-09-2024215
Chapter 6608-07-2024489
Chapter 6512-05-2024591
Chapter 6408-03-2024582
Chapter 6310-02-2024523
Chapter 6216-01-2024498
Chapter 6116-01-2024305
Chapter 6007-10-2023338
Chapter 5909-09-2023239
Chapter 5809-09-2023186
Chapter 5708-06-2023253
Chapter 5609-04-2023273
Chapter 5504-03-2023216
Chapter 5412-01-2023209
Chapter 5306-12-2022276